Question and answer repository

We encourage people to ask questions, as we believe they are a sure pathway to growth. Our repository contains previously answered questions that we are confident will address the burning questions in your heart and assist you on your spiritual journey.

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Can meditation set me free from addictions?

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So I have a problem with keeping my mind from wandering, even in the place of prayer. I start praying and my thoughts begin to wander off. 

My question is “How do I keep the doors of my mind shut when I pray and focus on the purpose of my prayer?” 

How do I keep my mind from wandering during prayer?

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1. I used to be tagged a workaholic because of how much I loved exerting myself. Doing so brought me a lot of joy. 

Lately, I've been in some sort of limbo, I've been like "Jesus is coming soon, why do I need to stress myself " Then when I also think about my family, I want to do more. I feel stuck basically and I honestly don't see a way out.   

How do I get out of this mindset?

2. I'm someone who is very gifted, I can do a lot of things but people have always advised that I find a niche - that picking a niche will help me have a sense of direction, somehow in response to my first question. 

How do I decide on a niche? If that's what you advise. If not, what would be the best course of action for me? I honestly feel like I'm wasting my life.

If Jesus is coming soon, why do I need to work or do anything?

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How do I know God is the one speaking to me through dreams?

How do I know God is the one speaking to me through my dreams?

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Based on the state of my soul and the conforming beliefs, I felt the Holy Spirit saying there's a need to renew my mind and begin with God's love towards me, that is, to probably study and meditate on this.

I don't know how to go about this. Will this require reading the entire Bible? You talked about God's love in the last class with such depth and understanding that I was deeply touched.

Please guide me on how this should be done. Thank you.

How can I go about renewing my mind?

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How should a believer balance seeking divine healing and seeking medical help? 

For instance, a Baptist minister had issues with his tonsils. 

His doctor recommended a surgical removal of his tonsils, and a surgery date was set. Ironically, on the day of his surgery, the scripture he was reading was the one about King Asa, who got a disease in his feet, and instead of seeking the Lord, he sought physicians and died. 

The minister shared this with his family, and they prayed together about his tonsils. When they prayed, the Lord told him not to have them removed. 

To his astonishment, the Lord healed the tonsils, and he did not need surgery again.

This brings me to my second question: What if the minister didn't hear from the Lord even after praying and went ahead to take out the tonsils?

The story was derived from Kenneth Hagin's book, Exceeding Growing Faith.

What is the balance between divine healing and seeking medical help?

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Is it okay to express emotions like tiredness and frustration during difficult seasons, even if you have strong faith? Can you authentically share your struggles through tears and words without feeling like you are lacking faith?

Some people believe that having faith means constantly praising and never expressing negative emotions, seeing negative emotions as signs of unbelief that can bring about difficult seasons. But does this mean we can't authentically express our emotions about our circumstances to God and seek guidance on what to do?

This leads me to wonder, how can people discern the difference between a waiting season and a delay?

Does me being tired and frustrated mean I don't have faith?

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What's your take on prayer as a form of meditation? It’s like everyone has their own take on it. Some folks say the longer the prayer, the better. 

Others reckon it’s the short and sweet ones that hit home. Then there are those who say, just go with the flow and let the spirit lead. Some treat prayer like a chat with a friend, not just asking for stuff, while others think it’s all about making requests. 

And then you hear that it’s supposed to be your time to listen to what God is saying instead of doing all the talking.

But when you check out what Jesus said about prayer in Matthew 6:5–13, it’s pretty straightforward and to the point, which is kind of different from all the stuff people do now. What prayer is and how to accurately pray is still a bit of a mix-up for me.

Does the length of prayer really matter?

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I am having a hard time understanding how meditation means steadfastness. Can you expound on it more?

Joshua 1:8, the context of meditation in this text is to ponder upon. Here's what I was able to find:

This word comes from the root הגה (hagah), which means "to meditate," "to mutter," or "to ponder deeply." It implies a continuous, thoughtful reflection or contemplation on something.

In the course material you gave us, you gave the example of bees meditating during pollination, and that nature is in a constant meditative state.

I understood it as you show different aspects of meditation by using these cases, but I'm a bit confused at how the actions in themselves are meditation? 

Are they the result of meditation or meditation themselves?

Please can you help me marry the two realities?

What is the relationship between meditation and steadfastness?

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How can a believer truly change his character? He goes to church, reads the Bible, and prays. However, those character traits that make one despicable still show, such as uncontrollable anger, telling lies without batting an eyelid, etc.

Can a believer's character truly change?

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Is it true that Jesus is all about love in the New Testament and that there is no consequence to what we do in light of this? Is it possible that men inspired to write the Bible wrote what God did not intend them to write? In addition to the above, since God is love, is it possible that He never ordered the Israelites to kill the Canaanites while in the wilderness because He is love? Thank you. 

If God is love, why so many killings in the Bible?

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I was talking with my dadabout prayer last week, and he mentioned that prayer is both an action and aposition you take with God in the spirit throughout the day. In the documentyou sent last night, you said meditation is steadfast and consistent. There wasalso a scripture that said, “You will keep in perfect peace those whosemind is stayed on you." This scripture has been on my heart.

My question is this: how can we keep our minds"stayed" on God throughout our day? It seems almost impossible,with all the several things we get involved in during the day, to still keepour minds "stayed" on God. The word “stay” is the emphasis for me,but I wonder how.

How can I keep my heart fixed on God throughout the day?

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Good morning, sir. It is said that we cannot come to God if our hearts are not pure and sincere. Sometimes we have a wondering heart, and I'm confused about how to condition my heart to that level of truthfulness and sincerity.

Can I come to God without a pure heart?

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My first question is how you refer to "Christ." As I was reading the manual and other prints, I noticed it, and it seemed more like a concept than a person. It’s just like saying "The Father" and "My Father." I understand that we refer to God based on our understanding and relationship with him, but this seemed very new.

My second question is about meditation as a process. So I just recently realised my true purpose, "intercession," and as much as I love praying, the moment I knew of this, it just became work. God speaks to me through dreams and scripture, and I believe he wants me to pray for people or things He shows me but not tell them. It's all new to me, and I'm not sure how to process it all, pray, and still go about my usual day's work.

Why do you always say "The Christ" ?

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How do you know the voice of the Holy Spirit? How can you differentiate or be able to tell when he's the one talking and it's not just your thoughts? I hear people confidently say, "The Holy Spirit is saying." Is there a way his voice sounds that is different from the regular voice in your head when it's just you and your thoughts?

How do we discern the voice of the Holy Spirit?

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After recognising a thought or meditation as negative, how do we practically “bring it under submission to Christ”?

It’s easy to recognise and identify it as wrong, but what exactly do we do with the thought afterwards? Do we just ignore it? Suppress it?

For example, if a person recognises the presence of intrusive, lustful thoughts, what is a practical way to go about this?

How can I bring my thoughts into captivity?

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“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you".

Does this verse describe a meditative practice?

When Jesus said, "Abide in me" was he speaking about meditation?

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You made a good point about how parenting changes as kids grow up. You wouldn't treat a 5-year-old the same way you would when they're all grown up, right? But no matter what, that love from the parents doesn't change. It's like how we're told to have a child-like heart when we're with God, but then there's that verse in 1 Cor. 13:11 about putting childish ways behind you.


So, I'm wondering if I can get so caught up in my meditations that I miss the memo that God's doing something new. And how do I know when to switch things up and get on the same page with God?

How do I stay aligned with God in each new season?

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You talked about the subconscious controlling us even though we are not aware. How can I identify the negative, suppressed, or hidden thoughts that have been affecting my life? (so that in identifying these hidden ones, I can address them.)

Also, how do I practically confront particular fears that I am aware I have? I have had experiences that can be likened to Job’s statement, “That which I feared has come upon me.”

How can I face my fears and conquer them?

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Good day, man of God, I am a bit worried because I'm not a dreamer, and I don't know if that's normal.

In a year, I can dream three or five times, and the dreams are insignificant.

My second question is that I noticed around 2022 that I started seeing something like a bright light very close to the corner of my eyes, like a flash. It happens at random times the majority of the day; it started with one eye, then it started on the second eye also. I didn't know what to make of it; after some months, it stopped for a while, then started again. It was coming on and off for 2 years, but this year I haven't experienced it. I don't even know if this is a question, but I had it in my spirit to ask. Thank you.

I don't dream! What do I do?

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Sir, you talked about being in a good place or having a container to receive what you have prayed for.

Two things that put you in a position to receive:

  1. Raising your consciousness level and renewing your mindset (I like this very much; it reminds me of James 1:6–8)
  2. Not having a common ground with the demonic realm, and therefore these "demons" do not have a claim to or right over your life.

I guess my question is this: is it possible to have a renewed mind or raised consciousness, or at least be in the process of it, and still share common ground with the demonic realm?

Okay, to be fair, I don’t think so. But is there a thing where your mind is being renewed, and then maybe you do something that gives the demonic realm a right or claim over your life, and now you’re just back to square 1, or if you pick yourself up, they lose the rights?

I’m not sure if my question is clear, but I guess I just want to know how these things work. For instance, if you were addicted to smoking and then, with the help of God, you stopped, and then one day, you did it again, but it was just a one-off. What happens after that? Do you still share common grounds?

Can a person with a renewed mind still become entangled with the enemy?

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From Module 1, meditation was defined as being steadfast, consistent, and resolute towards a thing and that it can both be negative and positive; it went on to give examples of other creatures and their meditative habits/lifestyle.

My question is: Is it possible then to be 'meditative' on more than one thing at a time/in a season?

Can I meditate on more than one thing per time/season?

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For quite some time now, I have found prayer to be a chore. I get very tired and uninterested in praying. Not that I used to be a prayer warrior, but it was not this bad.

When I try to troubleshoot, I realize that it may stem from major prayer points in my family that's still not answered. So I am a bit weary.

I love the Lord, and I know that He's a faithful God because I grew up knowing Him. What do I do about my prayer life?

My prayer life is non-existent! What do I do?

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